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Power Supply Pabx Avaya / At&t, Lucent, Avaya Power Supply WP-91153 L3 L2

Kode Produk 0039
Rp 1,00
Ukuran Power Supply Pabx Avaya / At&t, Lucent, Avaya Power Supply WP-91153 L3 L2
Stok 2 buah
Berat 10000 gram
Minimal Order 1 buah

Power Supply Pabx Avaya / At&t, Lucent, Avaya Power Supply WP-91153 L3
The Avaya Power Supply At&t Lucent Avaya
Model: WP-91153 L3A
AT&T Lucent Avaya Definity Power Supply WP-91153 L3A
Power Supply WP-91153 L3
WP91153 L2 power supply avaya,
Power Supply Pabx, power Supply IP Phone Avaya
power supply Pbx Pabx
Power Supply AT&T, Power Supply Lucent, Power Supply Definity, Power Supply Avaya
Provides additional protection to your equipment in the event of an overload
Overloads trigger a power-supply alarm, but the system's cooling fans continue to run; the power supply continues to function
Factor-corrected, 50/60 khz, autoranging (90-264 VAC) input
Multi-output power supply providing regulated output and switch-selectable 20/25-Hz AC Ringer output voltages
Meets the harmonic distortion requirements of IEC1000-3-2 950, as well as current UL and CSA requirements
Mounts in the power supply slot of the carrier, Power Supply Pabx Avaya / At&t, Lucent, Avaya Power Supply WP-91153 L, WP-91153 L2 power supply avaya, Power Supply WP-91153 L3, WP-91153 L2 power supply avaya, WP91153 L3